
CSM emulsion /powder difference

CSM emulsion powder difference  (2)

Asia composite materials (Thailand)co.,Ltd
The pioneers of fiberglass industry in THAILAND     WhatsApp :+66829475044

Glass fiber emulsion mat and powder mat are both glass fiber reinforcement materials used to enhance substrates like plastic and rubber. The main differences between them lie in their binder types and application fields. Here are their characteristics and differences:

Glass Fiber Emulsion Mat
1. **Binder**: Uses emulsion binders, typically acrylic or vinyl emulsions.
2. **Process**: During manufacturing, glass fibers are impregnated with emulsion binders and then dried and cured.
3. **Flexibility**: Offers better flexibility and elasticity, making it more suitable for complex shapes and molds.
4. **Permeability**: Has slightly lower resin permeability compared to powder mats.

– Mainly used in hand lay-up, spray-up, and RTM (Resin Transfer Molding) processes.
– Commonly found in automotive parts, boats, bathtubs, cooling towers, and other fields.

Glass Fiber Powder Mat
1. **Binder**: Uses powder binders, typically thermoplastic powders.
2. **Process**: During manufacturing, glass fibers are bonded with thermoplastic powder binders and then heat cured.
3. **Strength**: Due to the strong bonding formed by the powder binder upon heat curing, powder mats usually have higher mechanical strength.
4. **Permeability**: Offers better resin permeability, suitable for applications requiring quick resin penetration.

– Mainly used in prepreg, compression molding, and injection molding processes.
– Commonly found in composite panels, construction materials, pipes, and other fields.

– **Emulsion Mat**: Better flexibility, suitable for products with complex shapes.
– **Powder Mat**: Higher strength, better resin permeability, suitable for applications requiring high strength.

Depending on specific application needs, you can choose the appropriate type of glass fiber mat to achieve the best reinforcement effect and product performance.

Post time: Aug-14-2024